Saturday, 22 August 2015

Why Kenyan Men Are Sissies: The Single Mother Syndrome

Kenyan men have always been sissies and will be sissies for a long time to come. That said, I must single out the current generation of millenials as having the most spineless men. I spoke at length to my colleagues to try and find out why this is.
But first let me explain to you what I mean.
I was raised up to be an old testament kind of man. I have principles I try to espouse and stand by. Honour, loyalty, hardwork and integrity. Pretty old fashioned. I was raised largely by two strong mothers, my father was hardly ever a factor. But they taught me to be a man with a spine.
Today’s boys are wishy washy, indecisive, ill-mannered sissies who peg their notions of masculinity on what they see on a Lil Wayne or a Yung Thug music video.
And I know just who to blame for this, their mothers.
Lil Wayne as a role model

 Something went wrong in the 90s and on into the millennium. Men begun abdicating their responsibilities so women begun raising men. And what do you expect when a woman is raising a man? She will raise him in her image… And so we have a plague of entitled pricks prancing about.

 Why do you think so many millennials cannot sustain healthy relationships? They lack awareness and knowledge on the role a man should play. How many times have you seen pamby namby men do silly chores like wash their significant other’s panties? Or cooking for their wives.

Nairobisincity Unplugged: DJ Hypnotiq And DJ Mista Dru Join The Debate On Whether Kenyan Men Should Cook For Their Wives

Or perhaps I am just archaic. No! Never that! The truth of the matter is that sons raised by single mothers get confused. They have no one to imitate and emulate so they imprint ever more strongly on their mother’s actions.
And so we now have men who are the extreme of 2 polar opposites; either they are not in control of their emotions or they try to over compensate by being cold. No one wants to feel anything anymore. Today’s men have the emotional IQ of a walrus!
 Why do you think today’s Kenyan man is an incorrigible mama’s boy? Bah!

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